The American Israelite Cincinnati, Ohio Thursday, July 03, 1924 - Page P6
Orthodox Official Assassinated In Jerusalem
Jerusalem, July 1 (JTA). — Israel De Haan, Executive Secretary of the Orthodox Agudath Israel in Palestine, was shot by an unidentified person last night. Three bullets pierced his heart.
De Haan spent the last minutes of his life in a synagogue saying his evening prayers, and the murder occurred almost in front of a nearby hospital as De Haan left the synagogue. De Haan was to have left in a few days for England as a member of a delegation to protest to the British Colonial Office against the draft of the ordinance of the Palestinian Government granting internal autonomy to the Jewish communities of Palestine. De Haan was well known in Dutch and Jewish literary circles as a journalist and poet. He was a newspaper correspondent in Palestine for Dutch and English papers. At the time when Lord Northcliffe visited Jerusalem, shortly before his death, De Haan went to him together with a delegation of the Orthodox group, to denounce political Zionism.
A Zionist-Antisemite murdered this Jewish Activist, Poet, Newspaper man. The American Israelite Cincinnati, Ohio...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, November 16, 2019