“…Teng said some beautiful things about the “Polar Bear” (U.S.S.R.)…I really wish…he came right out and said what Red China had been saying for years namely that the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.([Russia]) are WORKING TOGETHER for world HEGEMONY!”
—Robert Fischer, to Pal Benko in a letter dated February 26, 1979
The Morning Call Allentown, Pennsylvania Tuesday, July 18, 1972
Chou Labels SALT Pact New Stage of Arms Race
Tokyo (AP) — Chou En-Lai declared Monday night the United States and the Soviet Union entered a new stage of their arms race when they reached agreement on the strategic arms limitation treaty, a Peking broadcast said.
The Communist Chinese premier accused the two big powers of continuing to step up arms expansion and war preparations to “contend for world hegemony,” the official New China News Agency said in a broadcast monitored in Tokyo.
It reported he made the statement at a banquet given in the Chinese capital for a visiting Yemeni government delegation.
Chou told the banqueters: “The superpowers have not ceased their expansion and aggression against other countries, and the international situation is far from truly relaxed.”
“The superpowers” is the Chinese term for describing the United States and the Soviet Union.
“The agreements they reached not long ago on the so-called limitation of strategic nuclear weapons were by no means ‘a step’ toward curbing the arms race as they boasted, but marked the beginning of a new stage of their arms race,” Chou asserted.
“The fact is that the ink on the agreements was hardly dry before one announced an increase in billions of dollars for military expenditure and the other hastened to test new-type weapons, clamoring for seizing nuclear superiority.
“What calls for attention is the fact that, while mouthing ‘disarmament’ and ‘the strengthening of international security’ in reality they are continuing to step up arms expansion and war preparations.
“In order to contend for world hegemony, they are engaged in an arms race not only in nuclear armaments, but also in conventional armaments, each trying its utmost to gain superiority.”
Same page: U.S., Soviet Advance Space Venture Plans