“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean to me, real communism, the Soviet communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism…
([Actually, Mr. Bobby, Bolsheviks were an actual political party operating in Russia, some of which usurped the democratically elected Provisional Government led by Alexander Kerensky. No “mask” is required. Some of the Bolshevik leaders, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin were on payrolls of foreign industrialists, Wall Street, and Imperialists like WWI Germany to ultimately betray the Russian people])
“…which is a mask for…”
([…unfettered industrialist capitalism fueled on repression and human slavery, the likes of Henry Ford, his friend Hitler, Koch Brothers and their pal Stalin, signing contracts with white supremacist, Anglo-Saxon industrialists to set up factories fueled by slave labor. The socialist revolutionaires who dare stand against them to call for equal rights, were all but erased from history, laid to rest across Europe, Russia and abroad, buried in some remote dark spot in a forest.
Soon those industrialists brought more wars, lucrative to military industrialists, and even a validation for Zionism due to years of repressive Soviet anti-Semitism. More centuries of white supremacist colonization, land and resource theft, racism, genocide and apartheid, corporate fascism, etc etc. and neatly accomplished by disguising the deeds of elite white supremacists… behind two of the world's major religions; Christianity and Judaism.])
“The word ‘socialism’ is so loaded. The term does not distinguish between democratic societies w big safety nets and totalitarian states w big armies.
“The Right uses this confusion to take money away from kids with cancer so rich people can buy bigger yachts.
“We need a new word.” —@Mikel_Jollett
([Research the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy” Myth. Arm yourself against Nazi tricks and their century old deceit about history.])