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• Robert J. Fischer, 1965 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1968 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1970 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1972 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1973 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1974 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1975 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1976 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1977 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1980 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1981 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1982 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1983 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1984 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1986 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1987 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1988 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1989 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1994 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1995 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1996 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1997 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1998 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 2003 ➦
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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

Jail Chess Players For Socialist Talk

The San Bernardino County Sun San Bernardino, California Saturday, February 13, 1937 - Page 2

Jail Chess Players For Socialist Talk
(AP)—Free City of Danzig, Feb. 12.—Police of this Nazi-governed free city today arrested 13 chess players because, they said, they talked forbidden socialistic politics in between moves.

(Because under Imperial white supremacy U.S.A., Britain and Russian Empires only the fake socialism USSR is permitted to exist or no discussion about socialism, at all.)

Jail Chess Players For Socialist TalkJail Chess Players For Socialist Talk 13 Feb 1937, Sat The San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, California)
Soviet Imperialism

Vasiljevic Challenges Kasparov to Play a Match with Fischer

The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Friday, August 07, 1992 - Page 15

Spassky Arrives in Yugoslavia For Chess Rematch With Fischer
“The Belgrade-based Tanjug news agency yesterday quoted world champion Garry Kasparov as saying this was “the highest amount of money the two retired champions” ever earned in their careers.
Vasiljevic responded, apparently jokingly, by challenging Kasparov to play a match with Fischer, and said he was willing to pay Kasparov half a million for each game.
“This would show who is the real champion and who is a pensioner,” he said, according to Tanjug.

Spassky Arrives in Yugoslavia For Chess Rematch With FischerSpassky Arrives in Yugoslavia For Chess Rematch With Fischer 07 Aug 1992, Fri The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Why Robert J. Fischer Changed - Circa 1975

My work continues until I spread the message of Robert J. Fischer's decade in the Pro-Zionist, Pro-Israel, Worldwide Church of God... which falsely taught that Jesus and the people of the holy land were "white" people. And, part of that was harrowing stories how the Nazis would arise again from holy writ of prophecy and invade America and Britain, conquer, herd us into the death camps, (the unbaptized like myself and Bobby Fischer) there to coerce us into either accepting the Catholic and Protestant religions which observe the "Sun Worship" (Sun-day), or perish as the Jews did during the Holocaust. We were indoctrinated with those false prophecies for well over a decade. I suffered nightmares as a child, of Hitler personally ordering my execution. It were as if some took joy in telling their tales of what Germans would do to those who kept Jewish holy customs and the same sabbath. It was a brainwash, which kept us in permanent panic of end times prophecies that led to unimaginable (Complex) C-PTSD. Robert Fischer had already developed C-PTSD when he was seen in 1992 and thereafter.

When we began questioning Herbert W. Armstrong's prophecies, myself in 1980s due to the fall of the Berlin wall (we were taught that event would be a sign of the end time) and Fischer experienced the new need to seek out literature and research when the former end time date set at 1972 approached, and failed, when the church was supposedly to escape in an exodus to "Petra" (Place of Safety), prior to the "Great Tribulation"(1972-1975) prior to the return of Jesus.

Bobby Fischer was NOT Jewish.
Bobby was part of our Fundamentalist, Pro-Zionist, Pro-Jewish Christian-Cult sect, the Herbert W. Armstrong cult's Radio Church of God later, known as the Worldwide Church of God.

The media has told many whopper-sized untruths about what the Worldwide Church of God taught to its followers, and I have determined to set the facts straight.

In the mid 1970s when Fischer made his exit from the church, after 15 years of being taught Nazis would invade and capture unbelievers and force-convert them to Protestant/Catholicism, which reveres Sunday as their Lord's day... he, like myself, sought out Nazi literature to actually research what our future-captors were plotting... and what Fischer learned from the literature is that Nazis were NOT invading, nor plotting any invasions, but rather, peddling a century old myth, called the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy”.

Fischer got hooked by that century old deception during the late 1970s.

This change in the youthful, pleasant Bobby Fischer everyone knew occurred AFTER he had abandoned the Worldwide Church of God. He discovered the Zionist-Palestinian controversy studies amidst the literature... but the "Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy Myth" is planted among such literature, as a ruse by white supremacists to confuse and misguide, as a means to lead the vulnerable on a wild goose chase that claims "Jews" (the religious kind) overthrew Russia, and built the Soviet Union Empire for world domination --- which is untrue. White supremacists financed Trotsky and Lenin to overthrow the Russian people and their democratically elected Provisional Government led by Alexander Kerensky... ruling the people under an iron fist for the rest of the century, spreading fear, chaos, sewing discontent and espionage around the world for the remainder of the century... but most of all, Trotsky, Lenin and Hitler would crush the Socialist movement.

Religious Jews were persecuted in the Soviet Union, just as they (True Torah Jews, Neturei Karta) are persecuted today in Israel.

Anyone who does not acknowledge the "Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy Myth" is ANTISEMITIC... needs to educate themselves. I denounce the myth as a falsehood!

That myth led to the brutal persecution of Jews, and lends credibility to political agendas pushed by mass media and acquisition of stolen land, camouflaged behind a protected minority status.

Zionism began as a movement comprised primarily by rightwing Christian, Anglo-Protestant fundamentalists, with notorious characters such as John Hagee and Joel Osteen, spearheaded by the notorious Donald Trump, preaching false prophecy how "Jesus will return" when all the Jews have returned to Palestine. The fact is, they don't want Jews living among them, because they're racist.

When Bush was in office, excuses were made to start illegal wars to acquire more land, more resources, stolen wealth in the middle east, and critics such as Robert Fischer who stood in the way were crushed.

Robert Fischer became aware just how racist such religions, and their collaborations in politics are (U.S. law prohibits an amalgamation between church and state!) and how religion and sacred books are used as an "excuse" to invade and plunder lands.

Here, in America we had a quasi-religious policy dubbed "Manifest Destiny" as the foundation upon which to give moral fortitude behind theft and plunder of Native American real estate, "from sea to shining sea". Some being so bold as to even speculate on acquiring Mexican territory for the Anglo-Protestant man's empires...

Jesus Was Not White.

Robert Fischer, 1978Robert Fischer, 1978 31 Jul 1978, Mon Daily Press (Newport News, Virginia)

My work continues until I spread the message of Robert J. Fischer's decade in the Pro-Zionist, Pro-Israel, Worldwide...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, November 28, 2021
Greed for More Land and Resources, of the British-American Empires

Kenyan at Westmar Hopes to Sell African Chess Game

Sioux City Journal Sioux City, Iowa Sunday, May 23, 1965 - Page 10

Kenyan at Westmar Hopes to Sell African Chess Game
Lemars, Iowa—A Westmar College senior, Charles Otanga Libutsi, from Kenya, Africa, has taken an ancient African marble game, applied for a copyright on an assortment of rules gleaned from memory, named it African chess, and now is looking for a capitalist to help develop a market for it in the United States.
The game, bearing some resemblance to a combination of Chinese checkers, monopoly and chess, requires a board with 20 grooved out holes—18 running in two parallel rows of nine and one at each end of the board. Because he is a foreign student Mr. Libutsi cannot introduce the game to the market, but is looking for backers to do it. He came to the United States in September 1961 and will graduate from Westmar College May 30 with a B.A. degree. He plans to earn a M.A. degree and return to Africa to “help establish an African governmental system.”
Mr. Libutsi says the title “African Chess” may be misleading because it is not the African name for the game. However the marble game is widely played in Africa under various rules and names.
“In the process of experimenting my rules, I met people who have been in other countries who said that they saw something similar to African Chess … foreign students from the Philippines, India, Damascus and Ceylon say they have such games but with entirely different rules.”
The Westmar College student said he became interested in writing a set of rules for African Chess while working the E.U.B. church camp at Milford, Nebraska in 1963 when youngsters and camp counselors asked him to teach them some African games.
“I had no written rules on which I could rely. I figured from my memory anything that would be similar to what we used to play in Africa when I was young. I made the rules and began experimenting with them. The game caught on very quickly and many children and adults loved to play it whenever they had a chance.
“Since its introduction at Westmar College the summer of 1964, this game has become popular here and many people would like to have it sold on the market,” he said.
Mr. Libutsi can be contacted through Charles W. Semke, foreign students advisor at Westmar College in LeMars, Iowa.

Kenyan at Westmar Hopes to Sell African Chess GameKenyan at Westmar Hopes to Sell African Chess Game 23 May 1965, Sun Sioux City Journal (Sioux City, Iowa)

Robert J. Fischer vs. U.S. History and Thanksgiving Day

Tomorrow is “Thanksgiving Day” in the good ole' U.S.A., and I for one, will be sitting this holiday out, for there is no valid reason to “celebrate”. It is a time of mourning for many. This video, is yet another to recently surface, chock full of the harsh, cold fundamental realities U.S. Education has hidden from its children about U.S. History 101… for centuries. The narrator paints a pithy portrait of how the narrative we were taught from our earliest days in public schools compare to the coarse realities at the founding of the colonies… which always brings me back to Robert J. Fischer.

In the past, when Bobby Fischer was quoted from 2005 as saying “… That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian …” he was mocked, scorned, ridiculed by the press (just as they had always done). It were as though what he spoke were untrue or the product of an unhinged mind. Bobby was and still is CORRECT and the sordid efforts to refute the chess genius crumble, lie by miserable lie. Bobby Fischer's criticism was VALID! TIMELY! ahead of its time. It is however, time to consider the sources of such unfounded accusations and baseless ridicule!

“Bobby always had mixed feelings about the way Native Americans were unjustly stripped of their land and culture. Charity work in favor of native Americans is something Bobby would support.” — A.E.L.

“… That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian …” — Bobby Fischer, 2005
(Indigenous people dwelling on what is now called the “American Continents” would have shared the land, but White settlers would not and took without asking. Every treaty ever made, has been violated

“We are on Amazon Smile and the link is Thank you.” — @PWNA4hope (

Tell members of U.S. “Bobby Fischer Day” deserves official recognition as a national and international celebration of public chess tournaments, t-shirts, memorabilia, prizes, family fun and festivities hosted in cities around the U.S., and the world.
U.S. House of Representatives - Ford House Office Building Room 217 Washington, DC 20515 U.S.A. (FAX 202-226-0357)

#IndigenousPeoplesDay #IndigenousPeoplesMonth

How the Soviet Empire Helped the U.S. Empire to Build Apartheid Israel

Asbury Park Press Asbury Park, New Jersey Sunday, September 21, 1969 - Page 13

“With the French arms embargo still in force, Israel has fallen back on the United States as the only major supplier still considered sympathetic to this country.
Mrs. Meir probably will ask to buy more armor and possibly more planes, to counterbalance Soviet supplies to Egypt.”

Golda Meir Coming With Thanks, PleaGolda Meir Coming With Thanks, Plea 21 Sep 1969, Sun Asbury Park Press (Asbury Park, New Jersey)

Wealthy Indians Fear Politicians; Flee With Riches

“… That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian …” — Bobby Fischer, 2005

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn New York, Friday, August 29, 1924

Wealthy Indians Fear Politicians; Flee With Riches; Always in Danger of Having Estates Put in Hands Of Guardian. Special to the Eagle.
Oklahoma City, Aug. 25—Several judges have taken a firm stand backing up public opinion in favor of justice to the Indians following a public plea in which it was stated:
“Why do we permit wealthy restricted Indian families to be driven out of the State to escape legal harassment? There are today approximately 50 wealthy Indians who are living either out of the State or just sort of drifting about from one place to another, afraid to purchase homes and settle down in once place. These are restricted Indians whose estates are under the guardianship of the Government. Experience has taught them, and Government officials, too, that just about as soon as one of these Indians acquire a legal resident some one bobs up with a court petition asking that the Indian be declared incompetent and that a guardian be appointed. Naturally these Indians especially the more intelligent ones—and most of them are sufficiently intelligent to be better off without a guardian than with one—resent this. It is for that reason that they live in California, Colorado, or any other place where they believe they are safe from such embarrassment. These petitions are usually brought for the sole purpose of getting a slice of the Indian's money and with no thought toward preserving his estate. These conditions are not peculiar to any one county but exist in all of them to a varying degree, in the territory of the Five Civilized Tribes.
“Of course these Indians do not need guardianship. They are already furnished that by law, the Government itself providing for such service. * * * Appointment of an additional guardian by State courts only adds confusion and expense to the Indian and makes easy picking for lawyers and guardians who can grab any part of it.
“The attitude of the judiciary could and should have a tremendous effect on a situation like this. If the county and district courts would assume a policy that would negative the efforts of grafters to get a hold on the estates of restricted Indians, and insist that the Government guardianship was sufficient for this class of Indians, the harassing of Indians would be greatly reduced, if not eliminated entirely.”

Wealthy Indians Fear Politicians; Flee With RichesWealthy Indians Fear Politicians; Flee With Riches 29 Aug 1924, Fri The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York)

First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean to me, real communism, the Soviet communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism

“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean to me, real communism, the Soviet communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism…

([Actually, Mr. Bobby, Bolsheviks were an actual political party operating in Russia, some of which usurped the democratically elected Provisional Government led by Alexander Kerensky. No “mask” is required. Some of the Bolshevik leaders, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin were on payrolls of foreign industrialists, Wall Street, and Imperialists like WWI Germany to ultimately betray the Russian people])

“…which is a mask for…”

([…unfettered industrialist capitalism fueled on repression and human slavery, the likes of Henry Ford, his friend Hitler, Koch Brothers and their pal Stalin, signing contracts with white supremacist, Anglo-Saxon industrialists to set up factories fueled by slave labor. The socialist revolutionaires who dare stand against them to call for equal rights, were all but erased from history, laid to rest across Europe, Russia and abroad, buried in some remote dark spot in a forest.

Soon those industrialists brought more wars, lucrative to military industrialists, and even a validation for Zionism due to years of repressive Soviet anti-Semitism. More centuries of white supremacist colonization, land and resource theft, racism, genocide and apartheid, corporate fascism, etc etc. and neatly accomplished by disguising the deeds of elite white supremacists… behind two of the world's major religions; Christianity and Judaism.])

“The word ‘socialism’ is so loaded. The term does not distinguish between democratic societies w big safety nets and totalitarian states w big armies.
“The Right uses this confusion to take money away from kids with cancer so rich people can buy bigger yachts.
“We need a new word.” —@Mikel_Jollett

([Research the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy” Myth. Arm yourself against Nazi tricks and their century old deceit about history.])

U.S.-Soviet Arms Talks Hurt Egypt

“…Teng said some beautiful things about the “Polar Bear” (U.S.S.R.)…I really wish…he came right out and said what Red China had been saying for years namely that the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.([Russia]) are WORKING TOGETHER for world HEGEMONY!”
—Robert Fischer, to Pal Benko in a letter dated February 26, 1979

The Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati, Ohio Friday, July 21, 1972 - Page 2

U.S.-Soviet Arms Talks Hurt Egypt
Cairo (UPI)—An informal secret agreement between the United States and Soviet Union to limit arms shipments to the Middle East prompted Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's demand for the withdrawal of Soviet military advisers, informed political sources said Thursday.
The Jerusalem Post reported Thursday that Sadat already had made overtures to the United States in hopes of reviving efforts toward a partial peace settlement. Sadat broke off contacts with Washington last year on a U.S.—proposed plan for an interim agreement which would include reopening the Suez Canal.
The Cairo sources said an understanding to slow the Middle East arms race was reached by the two super powers during the summit talks last May in Moscow between President Nixon and the Kremlin leaders.
The sources said Egypt was hit harder by the arms limitation agreement than was Israel.

U.S. - Soviet Arms Talks Hurt EgyptU.S. - Soviet Arms Talks Hurt Egypt 21 Jul 1972, Fri The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Soviet Machiavellianism and How Mao Tse-Tung Won Over Soviet Communism, Staged Own Revolution

Perhaps Red China was merely *spooky ambience* p.a.r.a.n.o.i.d.? Or, the more likely scenario, perhaps there really was something shared between Robert Fischer and Red China's distaste for…

Soviet Machiavellianism --and How Mao Tse-Tung Won Over Soviet Communism, Staged Own Revolution

The Daily Tribune Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Tuesday, August 17, 1971 - Page 4

“…In wary conversations with westerners, the Red Chinese are now telling their side of the story.
The Chinese Communist party started out as a branch of the Comintern, controlled body and soul by Moscow. The Kremlin sought to organize a Soviet-style workers' revolution in China, with the new factory workers of the cities as the base.
But Mao Tse-tung, rejecting Soviet dogma as less valuable than excrement which at least could be used to fertilize the fields, gained control of the party and organized a peasants' revolution rooted in the soil.
His chief rival, Li Li-sa, fled to Moscow. Li returned at the end of World War II with the Soviet troops that marched into Manchuria and again sought to bring the Chinese Communists under Soviet influence.
Not only did Mao prevail, but he made friendly overtures to the U.S. Washington rebuffed his offer of friendship, ([but how eager art Washington to make trade deals and friendly alliances behind closed doors with Moscow! Some might accuse the Soviet Union, whose factories and industry was built by American industrialists were working together for world hegemony. Soviet Union makes it threatening arsenals of nuclear stockpiles which is the excuse needed for Washington, DC to “warn Americans” who are paralyzed in fear of nuclear Armageddon to vote ever more funding, a regular gravy train to the military industry! and its non-ceasing flow of weapons of mass destruction to perpetually conquer and plunder]) furnished military aid instead to Chiang Kai-shek and forced the Chinese Communists back into an alliance with Russia.
With the bitter comment that Americans think “the moon in America is rounder than the moon in China,” Mao became an implacable foe of the U.S.
But more pragmatic Chinese officials, including Premier Chou-en-lai, reportedly favored maintaining contacts with the U.S. in order to avoid domination by the Soviet colossus across the border.
Some of them now claim that the Kremlin pushed China into the Korean war and tried to goad China into the Vietnam war to inflame American opinion against the Chinese. These officials attribute a quarter century of Chinese-American enmity largely to Soviet Machiavellianism.…”

How Mao Tse-Tung Won Over Soviet Communism, Staged Own RevolutionHow Mao Tse-Tung Won Over Soviet Communism, Staged Own Revolution 17 Aug 1971, Tue The Daily Tribune (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin)

The Cold War Threat of "Jewish Communism" also known as the Judeo-Bolshevik Conspiracy myth

Occasionally, I bring this topic up as my work here would be of no value, if it is not to reveal the FULL truth about Robert Fischer's life and clear up some of the so-called "mysteries". The media has done a lot of damage in its attempts to obfuscate, or cover up, statements made by Fischer. But here it is. Fischer was NOT alone after he came out of the Worldwide Church of God in the 1970s, a cult he began following around 1962 over radio. During the same time, my own father was listening to the "Radio Church of God," over HAM radio, and by the early 1970s my parents forced me into this fundamentalist cult. That's where mine and Robert Fischer's life merges. ( There, were taught the SUPERIORITY of Jews and Judaism… as "God's Chosen People". (The media often falsely claims the WCG was "antisemitic" but they do mislead the public!)

The WCG regularly fed the sheep a regimen about how the Jews were God's chosen, and through that religion alone, the law was delivered... and we alone, received the gospel of Jesus, as "Law Enforcer" via Herbert Armstrong, a gifted Apostle. Holocaust was a mere prelude of the coming fulfillment of the New Testament Revelations, before the second coming of Jesus. Herbert Armstrong emptied many bank accounts with those false prophecies, that would begin with Germany rising once again under Nazi-Fascist governing, with the backing of the "Holy Roman Empire" (aka the Anti-Christ, the Pope who keep Sunday for the Sabbath would be forced on the conquered -- and Armstrong filled us with fears of the Spanish Inquisitions, the coming enforcement of Protestant and Catholicism, persecuting, once again, the Jews and all people who worship on Saturday (on the 7th day Sabbath).

The media didn't want the public to know that about Robert Fischer's background.

The Cold War Threat of 'Jewish Communism' also known as the Judeo-Bolshevik Conspiracy myth

After having this ghoulish nightmare drilled into our minds weekly, for over a decade and a half.. it truly damages people. I couldn't concentrate in school, wondering always, when I came home would my family be missing after they were whisked away to a place of safety (similar to the rapture, but a geographic location in Jordan)-- left behind because children were forbidden baptism in the WCG. Robert Fischer was not baptized either. At night, I had nightmares so real, of Hitler ordering my execution and after being shot I could feel the life draining from my body and everything around me fading to black. Nightmares of hiding in ghettos to be rounded up by Nazi soldiers. I grew to adulthood in a state of constant panic... indoctrinated, culminating in Complex-PTSD. The fears were perceived as real of Nazis invading, coming death camps... because we were "Brainwashed" thoroughly.
And as the media notes well, Fischer did not speak of his religion to the public. We were instructed in the cult NOT to discuss our beliefs with outsiders.

Robert Fischer spoke to some of the ex-cult followers, dissidents, in 1976 about the mind control used by the Worldwide Church of God.
The Media doesn't want the public to understand the intensity of the abuse of which Fischer speaks, was done to him:

Nonetheless, I was there during the 1970s and 1980s. His words are correct and accurate defining the cult. I myself, finally began the slow exit that began in 1989 for me, that Fischer went through for himself from 1971-1976, and questioning when, how the end time would actually proceed. Mine was triggered when I heard the radio announce, "The Berlin Wall" was alas falling, and Armstrong prophesied it would be a "sign of the end". 1989. I was fear-stricken, and knew it was urgent to know what the Nazis were doing -- fast. So by 1991, thanks to a PBS Special on a trial headed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, where they failed to blip out an address to one of those organizations' newspapers for a brief second, I jotted it down and contacted them, hoping for years of suppressed questions and answers. I began tracing down any possible address to German Nazis, to ask the burning question: "Why do you want to harm people simply for the day they worship on?!"

Of course, I did find such a lead, and that "nazi leader" dismissed the question as ridiculous, claiming he didn't care what people worshiped, because some people NEED a religion, then boasted he himself as a "Pagan." He then rambled on something about how his/their argument with the Jews was a Political one, not religious, which at the time, made no sense to me.

I didn't believe him of course.
However, the response I received was unexpected and it began exposing some holes and gaps in Armstrong's false "prophecies". My belief in Armstrong crumbled piece by piece, over the next years from 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, till 1993, with a loss of faith in religion altogether.

I investigated the leads to "further information" this nazi "leader" gave me. It was from there, I began becoming exposed to the dangerous deception known as the "Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy" myth, which is useful for more malignant forces to distract people's focus away from the real issue raging in Palestine. Robert Fischer too was unwittingly duped by the "Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy" myth as well, after his exit from the Worldwide Church of God.

We had been forbidden to ask questions, to think beyond the confines of within Armstrong's little box... a patent interpretation of world events, filtered through Pasadena Ambassador College Press.

In other words, Robert James Fischer, like myself, was a CULT VICTIM... misguided by a malignant charismatic cult leader. All deliberate attempts by media and the chess journalists out there, who seek to distort and twist Robert Fischer's past out of their own political motivations, are inflicting damage on my personal life. I will not rest until people understand me, because I was judged far too many times by people who had no understanding THAT CULT... put me on the path I followed.
To finally gain some insight into the lives of hundreds of thousands of other former WCG followers, and the current victims among the splinter sects that broke away from the WCG following Armstrong's death. When people assume wrongly, about our life within the Worldwide Church of God, it will surely prejudice opinions against myself and countless other victims, including Robert Fischer, when ALL of us came out of the WCG cult.
I can not allow that. Therefore, Robert Fischer must be vindicated, as a CULT VICTIM... and his actions after 1962, put in context of the cult and its aftermath, or there is no "justice".

He did not "choose" because we were not given a choice.

The Cold War Threat of “Jewish Communism” also known as the Judeo-Bolshevik Conspiracy myth.

People must beware this dangerous century old myth... the "Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy" myth... for those like Hitler used it, and continue using it, adapting and re-adapting the myth, to appeal to, and convince the minds of vulnerable, receptive people, blaming the Jews (religious adherents) for things white supremacists like Dick Cheney, Netanyahu, George Bush, Koch, Henry Ford, et al -- a long list of white supremacists, are actually guilty of doing, themselves.

Occasionally, I bring this topic up as my work here would be of no value, if it is not to reveal the FULL truth about...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Robert Fischer's vindication is my own! and the hundreds of thousands of others who suffered in, and came out from the...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Native Americans, Irish, Descendants of Africa, Palestinians, et cetera, et cetera

“… That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian …” — Bobby Fischer, 2005 and as a descendant of the Irish, I extend my hand in brotherhood and friendship, to the Partnership With Native Americans

Floyd Westerman of the Lakota Fist Nation, aka the red crow also known as Kanghi Duta, was a song writer and political activist and part of the native American movement. He also worked in a number of films, such as Powwow Highway and Renegades, Dances with Wolves, Son of the Morning Star and many others. Here he speaks in video interview of the common struggle shared between the Native American and Irish, who have both shared the stinging pinch of oppression, enslavement and genocidal tendencies of the British-American Empires:

“When I began to read about Bobby Sands, and what our brothers were doing there. I see that, and then, when I learned of the Gaelic language, that was their slogan, [Tiocfaidh ár lá] “We will have our day” I think our struggles are common. You know, and that, in the name of Tiocfaidh ár lá, it's the same. We will have our day too. And, we were told long ago too, that we would see America come and go. I often wondered what generation that would be. What would be the signs? Then we would see America in its failing times, and I think we're in that, and I think that this kind of exploitation is more recognizable and identifiable, the cultures are getting stronger and beginning to realize it's about your own survival, not about America so much.”

The British and American Empires have a long shared their dreary cooperative history of attempts to exterminate peoples around the globe, ransacking and plunder, who are not cut from the same cloth as the Anglo-Saxon Protestant lineage. When efforts fail to prevail… propaganda is published to divide, and hence, conquer marginalized groups. Pitting marginalized black against marginalized white, marginalized Jew against marginalized Arab, while land theft continues, with impunity to benefit the British-American empires. Now, attempts are being made by the same to convince the descendants of the Irish people, their ancestors were “never enslaved” by the all-powerful Anglo-Saxon Protestant majority power controlling both American Empire and British Empires. History begs to differ!

Here is one piece of evidence, how Anglo-Saxon Protestants (guilty of the Native American Genocide), were attempting to drive out the Irish, by once again, employing a time-tested and true, “Divide and Conquer” strategy, in attempt to turn Native Americans against the Irish! Now, efforts are underway to drive a wedge between the Irish and African American. Both races of man have faced brutality and hardships under sinister White Supremacist policies that sadly, are often, still accepted as “normal,” even laws from centuries earlier, remain on books and such demand ongoing courage and knowledge to challenge those old policies of injustice, in hopes to one day achieve justice and equity for all.
Just when do the tricks and schemes of these Empires cease? They have many tricks up their sleeve, their favorite tactic of all, —>Guilt<—. The victim is reinterpreted as the “victimizer” in public school history books and mainstream media. “Guilt” for crimes, individuals are not guilty of committing. “Guilt” to weigh down the burdens on the shoulders of an already overburdened people, worldwide... to control, subjugate and further weaken resistance. But the Imperialists feel NO guilt, NO remorse, and will never admit their almighty power was built on stolen lands, around the globe, through the unmitigated destruction of the many land's legitimate natural inhabitants. For instance, till the modern day, British offer no apologies for their colonial past, nor answered for their crimes against the approximately 35 million citizens of India, who perished due to colonial policies bathed in brutality. No more than American imperialists have came to a full reckoning with their centuries of genocide numbering in countless tens… hundreds of thousands… millions among the First Nations, the Native peoples from both North and South American continents.

The British and American Empires often use guilt-trips to distract the masses of downtrodden people with a fabricated past that aims to glorify the deeds of the oppressor, to further shape support for domestic and foreign policies in the future, but to no avail against those who choose to know history, and remain vigilant.​ The imperialist white supremacists who spread such messages, feel no guilt and continue to use subversive means to divide people, black against white, white against brown and so on, to further their status as conquerors. Divide and conquer. As an Irish descendant, I know my history, and I stand unapologetically on the side of oppressed people, from around the world. This sounds like slavery to me:

“The Irish filled the most menial and dangerous jobs, often at low pay. They cut canals. They dug trenches for water and sewer pipes. They laid rail lines. They cleaned houses. They slaved in textile mills. They worked as stevedores, stable workers and blacksmiths. Not only did working-class Americans see the cheaper laborers taking their jobs, some of the Irish refugees even took up arms against their new homeland during the Mexican-American War. Drawn in part by higher wages and a common faith with the Mexicans, some members of the St. Patrick’s Battalion had deserted the U.S. Army after encountering ill-treatment by their bigoted commanders and fought with the enemy. After their capture, 50 members of the “San Patricios” were executed by the U.S. Army for their treasonous decisions.

A Know-Nothing Party flag.

The discrimination faced by the famine refugees was not subtle or insidious. It was right there in black and white, in newspaper classified advertisements that blared “No Irish Need Apply.” The image of the simian Irishman, imported from Victorian England, was given new life by the pens of illustrators such as Thomas Nast that dripped with prejudice as they sketched Celtic ape-men with sloping foreheads and monstrous appearances.”
When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis

Who is behind the challenge to “prove” who suffered the most, as if centuries of hardship and being enslaved by Imperial elite Anglo-Saxon white supremacists is now a “pissing match” between races of people? Who claims that only he or she has suffered, that he or she holds the “monopoly” on hardship and I'll then show you a man or woman who has not suffered, for if they truly had, they would have learned to empathize with the suffering of the billions of others, both historical and present day! EVERYONE has suffered, globally, for centuries and continue to suffer due to Imperial overreach. The only way for people to achieve the dreams of personal life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is for the human race to one day, put aside their differences and come together to stand in unity against these oppressors of the peoples, around the world.

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, September 21, 2021

I regularly study controversies that erupt over history, and this one disturbs me particularly, being of Irish ancestry....

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, September 23, 2021

Further Reading:

Russian Dissent Mounts

The Times Munster, Indiana Tuesday, July 18, 1972 - Page 8

Russian Dissent Mounts
The Soviet government has been embarrassed in recent months by the surfacing of protests against its persecution of religious and ethnic minorities and intellectuals.
Now the Kremlin is confronted with an underground movement voicing dissent with the very essence of the Soviet system.
A paper circulated by a “citizens committee” tells the Soviet worker that his Communist government is robbing him of the fruits of his labor. It is filled with economic information well known to the rest of the world but carefully suppressed inside the Soviet Union.
The worker is being told that the purchasing power of his wages is barely 10 per cent of that of his counterparts in America. Great Britain and West Germany; that in those countries 50 to 80 per cent of the families own automobiles, while in the Soviet Union only one-tenth of one per cent can own a car.
More d***ing, the paper says the Soviet people are being kept in penury so the government can export food and goods to support the war effort of the North Vietnamese Communists and to shore up Cuba and Arab states.
The government, it says, is more interested in “achieving world domination” than in improving the lot of the Soviet people.
The man on the street in Moscow is now being called on to protest and strike on his own behalf—sure a startling and disturbing prospect for Soviet leaders.

Russian Dissent MountsRussian Dissent Mounts 18 Jul 1972, Tue The Times (Munster, Indiana)

U.S. Petroleum Company Signs 5-year Soviet Deal

For those who still hold the false belief the Soviet dictatorship was somehow “Anti-Capitalist”. “…the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.([Russia]) are WORKING TOGETHER for world HEGEMONY!” —Robert Fischer, to Pal Benko in a letter dated February 26, 1979. While the rest of Americans, and Russians, were gripped in a nuclear-war induced paralysis, the Capitalists carried on with business as usual.

The Record Hackensack, New Jersey Tuesday, July 18, 1972 - Page 5

U.S. Petroleum Company Signs 5-year Soviet Deal by Leonard Kirschen
London—The Occidental Petroleum Co. announced today that it has signed an agreement with the Soviet government to supply a wide range of scientific and technical services to the Soviets.
Informants in London estimated the value of the contract as high as $3 billion ([adjusting for 2021 inflation; $19,633,995,215.31]) and said it was the biggest ever signed with the Soviets by a U.S. corporation.
Dr. Armand Hammer, the 72-year-old chairman of Occidental, told a news conference the agreement was signed in Moscow on Friday. He said it covers a five-year period and is renewable by mutual consent.
Hammer, who first did business with the Soviets shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, said… … “In 51 years of dealing with the Soviet government,” said Hammer, “I have never found the grounds more favorable for the rapid expansion of East-West trade than exists at present.” …

U.S. Petroleum Company Signs 5-Year Soviet DealU.S. Petroleum Company Signs 5-Year Soviet Deal 18 Jul 1972, Tue The Record (Hackensack, New Jersey)

Chou Labels SALT Pact New Stage of Arms Race

“…Teng said some beautiful things about the “Polar Bear” (U.S.S.R.)…I really wish…he came right out and said what Red China had been saying for years namely that the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.([Russia]) are WORKING TOGETHER for world HEGEMONY!”
—Robert Fischer, to Pal Benko in a letter dated February 26, 1979

U.S. vs. U.S.S.R. Arms Industry Sales

The Morning Call Allentown, Pennsylvania Tuesday, July 18, 1972

Chou Labels SALT Pact New Stage of Arms Race
Tokyo (AP) — Chou En-Lai declared Monday night the United States and the Soviet Union entered a new stage of their arms race when they reached agreement on the strategic arms limitation treaty, a Peking broadcast said.
The Communist Chinese premier accused the two big powers of continuing to step up arms expansion and war preparations to “contend for world hegemony,” the official New China News Agency said in a broadcast monitored in Tokyo.
It reported he made the statement at a banquet given in the Chinese capital for a visiting Yemeni government delegation.
Chou told the banqueters: “The superpowers have not ceased their expansion and aggression against other countries, and the international situation is far from truly relaxed.”
“The superpowers” is the Chinese term for describing the United States and the Soviet Union.
“The agreements they reached not long ago on the so-called limitation of strategic nuclear weapons were by no means ‘a step’ toward curbing the arms race as they boasted, but marked the beginning of a new stage of their arms race,” Chou asserted.
“The fact is that the ink on the agreements was hardly dry before one announced an increase in billions of dollars for military expenditure and the other hastened to test new-type weapons, clamoring for seizing nuclear superiority.
“What calls for attention is the fact that, while mouthing ‘disarmament’ and ‘the strengthening of international security’ in reality they are continuing to step up arms expansion and war preparations.
“In order to contend for world hegemony, they are engaged in an arms race not only in nuclear armaments, but also in conventional armaments, each trying its utmost to gain superiority.”

Same page: U.S., Soviet Advance Space Venture Plans

U.S.-U.S.S.R. Collaborations
Chou Labels SALT Pact New Stage of Arms RaceChou Labels SALT Pact New Stage of Arms Race 18 Jul 1972, Tue The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

The Agony of War In The Face of the Wounded

The Tampa Tribune Tampa, Florida Tuesday, July 18, 1972
The Agony of War In The Face of the Wounded
“A South Vietnamese soldier awaits evacuation after being wounded during a North Vietnamese mortar attack while attempting to reopen Route 13 to the provincial capital of An Loc. Three other South Vietnamese were wounded by the single mortar round.”

The Russian-Soviet Imperialists closing in from the North, the Anglo-Saxon Imperialists closing in from the South… and the people of Vietnam sandwiched in the middle of two empire's militaries. (Yes, the Soviet Union was certainly there, fanning the flames of conflict in an unconstitutional war. See RussiaToday, “USSR 'secret' Vietnam soldiers speak out”). All that talk about “peace” and “equality” and “human rights” is just talk… Red China summed up the closet collaboration between the Imperial Russian-Soviet Union in contrast to Imperial Anglo Saxon American-British; how the Soviet talked the talk, but doesn't walk the walk:

“While paying lip-service to socialism and even to ‘communism,’ it (the Russian Soviet USSR Empire) in fact pursues the imperialist policy of expansion and plunder and tries to carve out spheres of influence by every means.”

The Soviet Union was built by Anglo-Saxon Industrialists, and nothing more than a “necessary excuse,” needed by the military industrialists in the West to peddle their wares of death.

How America Helped Build The Soviet Machine
“...The American engineers, architects, and industrialists who helped build the productive base of communist Russia swept the record under the rug.”

“…Teng said some beautiful things about the “Polar Bear” (U.S.S.R.)…I really wish…he came right out and said what Red China had been saying for years namely that the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.([Russia]) are WORKING TOGETHER for world HEGEMONY!”
—Robert Fischer, to Pal Benko in a letter dated February 26, 1979

The Agony of War In The Face Of The WoundedThe Agony of War In The Face Of The Wounded 18 Jul 1972, Tue The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida)

Two Kinds of Imperialism Described by China's Communists

The Oneonta Star Oneonta, New York Monday, July 17, 1972 - Page 1

Tokyo (AP) — China's communists classify “imperialists” into two kinds: imperialists and “social-imperialists.” The latter, taken from the works of Lenin, refers to Soviet leaders.
An article on imperialism, published in the June 30, 1972 issue of Peking Review, received in Tokyo on Sunday, said: “The Soviet revisionists are social-imperialists, pure and simple.”
The article, written by Shih Chun who was not further identified, quoted Lenin as saying that social-imperialists are “socialists in words and imperialists in deeds.”
“We clearly see today that the Soviet revisionist leading clique is following the words and deeds that Lenin repudiated. ([Not exactly, Imperialists in WWI Imperial Pan-Germanic German Empire, and Wall Street, financed Trotsky and Lenin's overthrow of Russia]) While paying lip-service to socialism and even to ‘communism,’ it in fact pursues the imperialist policy of expansion and plunder and tries to carve out spheres of influence by every means.”
The article said the Soviet Union and the United States carry out “aggression, subversion, control and interference…everywhere in the world.” This, it added, is “the expression of their last-ditch struggle.” ([Naturally, because multi-national Anglo-Saxon-dominated Industrialists built the Soviet machine! which had proven quite lucrative to the military industry for a century.])
It described imperialism as “moribund, not dead, capitalism.”

ImperialistsImperialists 17 Jul 1972, Mon The Oneonta Star (Oneonta, New York)

'Impeach Johnson For Viet Nam War'

Bobby Fischer denounced the Bolsheviks (the USSR) as a threat to mankind. So they were/are. They're not the “peace” loving “humanitarian” they would like to present to the world of themselves, and their history. Their first interests were Empire, Military Power and crushing the dissenters. The Hammer/Sickle Soviet Union made their “trade deals” with Capitalists and dragged the world into war after war, which cost millions of lives… Korea… Viet Nam… and indeed the Soviet Union secretly sent soldiers into Viet Nam to kindle the flames of death and destruction… always for profit because the U.S. would then have an excuse to step in, claiming its intention was a righteous one to “free” the people from “Communist” rule. Being raised in military family, I respect our men and women in uniform, the little guys who've served, but if they believe they truly sacrificed to defend the Constitution and American liberties, then they should begin asking themselves why then, were Americans forced into a war in Viet Nam, which was UNCONSTITUTIONAL? Constitutional Law? American Liberties? Since then, without a declaration of war by Congress, Americans have seen nothing but decades of wars after wars, since the Neoconservative Bush era was ushered in and the New World Chaos of illegal, endless wars for profit and plunder, leaving nation after nation in ruins and no better off, benefiting nobody except the elite few in a position to profit from military industry arms manufacture and sales. Everyone else pays for it.

The Vancouver Sun Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Saturday, October 09, 1965 - Page 8

'Impeach Johnson For Viet Nam War' by Hal Leiren
Dr. Linus Pauling said Friday U.S. President Lyndon Johnson should be impeached for the Viet Nam war.
The two-time Nobel Prize winner said he is willing to sign a petition calling for the president's impeachment.
He made the statement during a question period at the PNE Garden Auditorium. And he repeated it later at Brock Hall at University of B.C. following a speech on Viet Nam.
Dr. Pauling appeared to be taken aback, when a UBC student, who said he was an American citizen, said he had signed a petition calling for President Johnson's impeachment. The student asked if Dr. Pauling would do the same.
Dr. Pauling hesitated, then said: “I'll say yes. Yes, I will sign such a petition.”
Dr. Pauling spoke to an estimated crowd of more than 2,000 in the Garden Auditorium. The speech was taped for a teach-in at UBC where he appeared later and answered questions on his speech.
Dr. Pauling said the war in Viet Nam is unjust, immoral and a danger to mankind's survival.
The war, he said, is unconstitutional.
“Article 8 of the U.S. constitution says that only Congress has the right to wage war,” Dr. Pauling said. “But Johnson has been tricky enough to get around that. We are waging a war that Congress has not been allowed to debate.”
During a question period later he said the steps Johnson has taken in Viet Nam are unconstitutional.
“This may well lay him open to impeachment,” he said. “Congress is also to blame as it has allowed the executive (the president) to take over its powers.”
Dr. Pauling said the U.S. presence in Viet Nam has no popular basis among the Vietnamese and has frustrated implementation of the 1954 Geneva agreement.
“The United States and its puppet government in Viet Nam refused to allow elections in 1956 as was provided for in the 1954 agreement,” he said.
Dr. Pauling said the only way to achieve a settlement in the war is for the United States to agree to negotiate with the Viet Cong.
Dr. Pauling, who was given standing ovations both at the Gardens and at UBC, said it is up to the individual to pressure governments into moral action.

'Impeach Johnson For Viet Nam War''Impeach Johnson For Viet Nam War' 09 Oct 1965, Sat The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) Seeks More MoneySeeks More Money 18 May 1964, Mon Johnson City Press (Johnson City, Tennessee)

Shyness Mistaken As Arrogance

New York (UPI)— Jackie Kennedy Onassis considers herself a very shy person and because of her shyness some people misconstrue her diffidence for arrogance.
“The truth of the matter is that I am a very shy person,” Mrs. Onassis said in a copyrighted interview published today in Parade magazine. “People take my diffidence for arrogance and my withdrawal from publicity as a sign of my supposedly looking down on the rest of mankind.”
ON THE TOPIC of reporters, she said she did not dislike them. “It's just that I get afraid of them when they come at me in a crowd. I don't like crowds because I don't like impersonal masses. They remind me of swarms of locusts.”

([Sounds like some traits of common to Autism Spectrum, like Bobby Fischer. Though never diagnosed on the Autism that I'm aware of, Jackie Onassis describes a familiar feeling, “ I don't like …impersonal masses. They remind me of swarms of locusts.” — and being on the Autism Spectrum, like Bobby, dealing with a lifetime of Anxiety, I know from personal experience, it can lead to panic attacks… severe “overstimulation”.])

Jackie Says Shyness Taken For ArroganceJackie Says Shyness Taken For Arrogance 16 Jul 1972, Sun The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Indian Mother Declares War on U.S. Army

Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Saturday, July 15, 1972 - Page 3

Indian Mother Declares War on U.S. Army
GI Son ‘Victimized by Broken Promises’
Marne, Iowa (UPI) — A full-blooded Sioux Indian “declared war” on the U.S. Defense Department yesterday claiming that her son has been victimized by “white man's promises” just as his ancestors were 100 years ago.
Mrs. Marie Thompson Pierson of Marne took the action in behalf of her son, Robert, 23, who is now stationed with the Army at Fort Bragg, N.C. Robert, she said, volunteered for the Army last fall and was promised a post in the Special Forces.
But after months of arguments with officials from Defense Secretary Melvin Laird to Mrs. Pierson said Robert has been denied a spot in the Green Berets for no reason.

Won't Return
“When I first contacted the Defense Department, I told them that this boy went in there under honorable conditions and since they can't fulfill their promises, I want him out under honorable conditions,” said Mrs. Pierson.
“This morning they called me from the Pentagon and said they are not going to release my son,” she said. She said she then called Laird's office “and declared war on the office of the department.”
Mrs. Pierson's son is coming home this weekend on a 10-day emergency leave arranged by the American Red Cross, and this time, Mrs. Pierson vows he won't return to the army.

Going to Court
“Since the Army wants to become technical with me, then I'm going to take this to court. The American Indian is still technically a prisoner of war in the United States, and under our treaties ratified by the federal government in ever instance it is stated that no Indian will carry firearms or engage in any battles.
“They're breaking their own treaty to even permit an Indian to be in the armed forces,” she said.
Mrs. Pierson said the Army has deprived her son of “the very thing they promised him.” She said this is “Just another white man's game, and it goes back 100 years ago when the federal government, the white man, first made promises to the Indians and then turned right around and broke the same promises.”

Indian Mother Declares War on U.S. ArmyIndian Mother Declares War on U.S. Army 15 Jul 1972, Sat Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey)

Tell members of U.S. “Bobby Fischer Day” deserves official recognition as a national and international celebration of public chess tournaments, t-shirts, memorabilia, prizes, family fun and festivities hosted in cities around the U.S., and the world.
U.S. House of Representatives - Ford House Office Building Room 217 Washington, DC 20515 U.S.A. (FAX 202-226-0357)

“Bobby always had mixed feelings about the way Native Americans were unjustly stripped of their land and culture. Charity work in favor of native Americans is something Bobby would support.”— A.E.L.

“… That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian …” — Bobby Fischer, 2005
(Indigenous people dwelling on what is now called the “American Continents” would have shared the land, but White settlers would not and took without asking. Every treaty ever made, has been violated

“We are on Amazon Smile and the link is Thank you.” — @PWNA4hope (

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks